Sunday, January 24, 2010

Watching some american football in Granada

Even thought we were in Granada, we had to be the typical Americans and watch the NFL playoff game between the Saints and Vikings. We found an Irish pub near our hostel that was playing the game, but there is a law in Granada that no bar is allowed to be open past 3AM and the game started at 1AM here. We did find another pub called Paddy's where the owner let us watch the game outside while he played the game on the big-screen TV inside the bar. He was on the lookout for cops and when a cop car came down the road, he whistled and we all ran across the road and acted like we were in line for a kebab place. Of course the cops came when the saints were about to attempt a field goal in overtime! We did get to see it and when the Saints won it was about 430AM, so not too much sleep that night before Alhambra the next day.

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