Thursday, January 28, 2010

Second day of class!

It was nice having class a little later today, but I was really hoping that I wouldn't have such a break between my classes. I start with History of Spanish Art, which should be a really interesting class and we get to go on a couple of field trips to museums, so that will be good. Then I have an hour and a half break before I have European Union. I tried to go to the EU class at noon, but I went to the wrong building and ended up being the fourth person on the waiting list. So 4 people would have to change or drop the class before I would be able to switch. They really screwed up the way they did this. There are so many people that want to change classes but are unable because there are people still in the class that want to change to another class. What the university should have done is leave like a spot or two open in all of the classes and the first person that gets there gets the class so that people can get into classes and people will drop the class they do not want earlier, but I am not running the university so what do I know. I hope somehow I can get into the class but I doubt it. The hour and a half break is not bad, but I would not be done with class until 250, which doesn't let me eat lunch until 330. The EU class will be interesting, but I heard that it is a pretty hard econ class and the other econ class is a joke, so I picked the wrong one of course. But overall I am not too upset about the classes there are a lot of people that are worse off with me because I did get all of the classes that I need.

That night was the Intercambio party at San Malander. it was a pretty cool place and I was able to meet my intercambio, Javi, but we couldn't really hear each other because there was a live band that was way too loud. We decided that we will meet soon in a different place where we can actually talk, which was kind of disappointing because I really would like to practice my Spanish. The night was not a fail, though because we found a place that makes churros with hot chocolate and they were delicious!

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