Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First day of Class!

So, today was my first day of class. I found out that Mondays and Wednesdays are going to be my hard days now lol. My Spanish Composition teacher said that the class will be hard and there will be a lot of work, which is never a good sign on the first day. We will be writing an essay each week. I am thinking about switching into Spanish conversation, but I think that it is already full we will see. My class on Don Quijote will be tough, but I think it will be interesting and I read a section of it in high school and I know the basic idea of what goes on from when I saw Man of La Mancha, the musical about it. I do love being done with class at noon though, that is worth the work in itself.
So there is a program where we get all get a Spanish student to talk to to better our Spanish with. Mine's name is Javi Pons Mata. I just got done talking to him online for awhile and he is hilarious and should be pretty cool to hang out with. I will get to meet him on Thursday, because there is a party for all of the intercambios (Spanish students). Hopefully my second day of classes go well too!

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