Monday, February 1, 2010

El Quijote

I bought my book for my literature class, El ingenioso hidalo Don Quijote de La Mancha. This was the moment that I realized that I may be in over my head for this class. The book is 1000 pages long and in Spanish! This means that we have to read about 20 pages for every class which is a little much for me, but I will get through it, it will just take a lot of work.

This weekend, a group of us went to a salsa bar near my house. We all tried, and to my surprise I wasn't terrible. One of the people that worked there told us about how all month there is free salsa classes. I am taking classes every Monday and Wednesday from 1030 to 1130. My first class went fairly well, as we learned all of the basic moves of salsa and will start with partners on Wednesday. It was actually pretty easy to get the hang of the moves because we did so much repetition, I know all of the basic moves now. I am really looking forward to the next class!

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